Our Software

Control and analyse your experiments

Our systems can operate independently and completely offline. But our software packages offer you the opportunity to drastically increase the functionality of our systems and give you even greater control. Check out the different package features below.

Take the hassle out of experimental set up with our intuitive software packages. Easily combine culturing units and add or remove modulars quickly to get the system that you need for each individual experiment.

With our enhanced analytical package you can get the information that you need from your cultures quickly from anywhere in the world.

Remotely set up and control your systems

Access your data from anywhere in the world

Our software enables you to access your data from anywhere through our cloud. Change parameters and alter experiment conditions from your desktop, laptop or mobile phone anywhere in the world!

Group systems together

Combine multiple units and modules into larger experiments

Easily combine multiple base system culturing units and add or remove additional sensor or control modules to test large range of conditions in one go.

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Information from a microbial culture should be easy to extract and immediately available to the researcher. We want to simplify how microbiology experiments are performed by making sure this is the case.

Prof. Teuta Pilizota


Maintenance Package

Ensure your devices are working at their best – all the time

With our advanced warning and maintenance packages receive immediate feedback on the operation of your systems and real-time analysis of sensors to make sure that your systems are always working at their best.

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